Close Action - Detroit


Close Action is a board wargame that deals with naval combat in the Age of Sail. Specifically, it is centered around the late-1700s to early-1800s. It was designed by Mark Campbell, and was published by Clash of Arms Games in 1997 (although now out of print). Subsequently, there were two add-ons published -- Rebel Seas and Monsoon Seas. Each of the add-ons contained more scenarios for the game and modified some rules. Mark Campbell designed Close Action as an improvement over the Avalon Hill game Wooden Ships and Iron Men.

Online Games of Close Action

I have been running some scenarios of Close Action online, via email.

Schedule of Close Action games in the metro Detroit, Michigan, area:

We welcome anyone to join us at our local game sessions to play Close Action. You don't need to know the rules ahead of time, as we will teach you the rules you need to get started. You can learn additional rules as they are needed. Close Action is more fun with the more ships that are in a battle, and of course, with more ships, we always need more ship's captains!

Blog Posts about Close Action in the southeast Michigan area:

Latest update: September 22, 2020